mR > bOLOS (pERIODS 2ac & 5)

How to do the homework on VoiceThread

Join our 6th period VoiceThread group (you only need to do this once for the entire year)

  • Then RETURN to this page and click HERE(You should see a mural painting)
    • --

      NOW, consider the following requirements:

      1. Choose 2-3 slides, minimum
      2. Leave thoughtful and thorough comments (annotations) as text, audio, or video (w/ partner, only)
      3. The strongest comments are tied directly to the textbook (cited with page #), but you may also respond to another student's comments, and/or provide an original analysis for images or documents not always covered in class. Other comments can and should provide narration, but won't be assessed as highly as textbook-based or original analysis kinds of comments.
      4. Ask yourself: "How can I corroborate, contradict, analyze what is in the frame, or provide empathetic narration on this particular slide?"