mR > bOLOS (pERIODS 2ac & 5)

Freedom From Want

Happy Thanksgiving, all.

Below is a diptych of a rather famous image on the left by Norman Rockwell, and a much more recent image created by an organization calling themselves For Freedoms. The group describes themselves as: 

"[A] platform for greater participation in the arts and in civil society. We produce exhibitions, installations, public programs, and billboard campaigns to advocate for inclusive civic participation. Inspired by American artist Norman Rockwell’s paintings of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Four Freedoms (1941)—freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom from want, and freedom from fear—For Freedoms Federation uses art to encourage and deepen public explorations of freedom in the 21st century."
We'll see these images again in the future. But for now, please enjoy your time with your families :)