mR > bOLOS (pERIODS 2ac & 5)

Asynchronous Lesson -- Douglass Draft

Hi all,

For today's class, please work on the following, reading carefully:

  1. Write a full draft of your Douglass paper. It does NOT have to be perfect. You are just being graded on completion of the task, which you might be able to complete in class today. Put it in your HW folder for Friday.
  2. Organize your HW folder. Here's an example of what it should look like

All that you need to write the paper will be available by clicking here. The prompt (which is the first link in the linked post) asks you to address three aspects of Douglass' writing, but you can pick two of the three if you wish. We're not going to be able to do as much, given that we're in the midst of a Global Pandemic with a Novel Coronavirus (sorry, Maria P.). 

Remember that you should be accessing the top 3 levels of Bloom's taxonomy in your essay: analysis (of Douglass' words), evaluation (judging his credibility), and synthesis/creation (drawing from multiple sources).