mR > bOLOS (pERIODS 2ac & 5)

The Abolitionists

Note: this video series (DVD) is available in the NTHS Library or may be available to stream if you have Amazon Prime. Otherwise, please click here to view the film. Due on paper at the END of class. Need an electronic copy? Try this.

After viewing the PBS film, The Abolitionists (click to view), ask yourself how monolithic were the opponents of slavery (Stowe, Brown, Garrison, Grimke, etc.)? Which of their methods did you think was most effective?

Transcript is available below:

Our next chapter: Douglass' Narrative

Here is a preview of our next unit:

  1. Buy a copy of the book pictured below as soon as possible. The Book Store should have a few copies for our class, and it must be the exact edition currently in stock. Do not substitute another edition or an electronic version. If you are using this book for your English class, all the better. WARNING: keep in mind that students who rely on what they wrote (or HOW they wrote) in English class tend to do worse on the summative assessment than those reading the book for the very first time. Many do not read the book with the appropriate lens. Be careful, Trevs.
  2. Read Chapters I, II, and III for our next class (feel free to skip the two prefaces). Please write 5 questions on paper that are generative in nature.
  3. Consider the following prompt: “Because Frederick Douglass was an atypical slave, and later became an abolitionist, he is not a credible source of information regarding the ‘peculiar institution’.” Agree or disagree, using specific evidence (quotes and page numbers). This essay has not been assigned yet.