mR > bOLOS (pERIODS 2ac & 5)


In preparation for our next assessment, please read Chapter 15: "Reconstruction and the New South". Feel free to skip pp. 366-368 (but not "The Abandonment of Reconstruction"). Start with the question: what were the major issues the USA (especially the South) had to grapple with immediately following the war?

Below are some slides that relate to the reading. Please bring your questions regarding either source to class.

This Week on bUSH

Make sure you log in to VoiceThread in order to annotate the slides from "The Peculiar Institution" by Friday. Remember, any image is fair game for a deeper analysis, and there is usually bonus material, such as this audio excerpt from Backstory Radio, referring to the last two slides of the presentation.

Your next assignment concerns Chapter 13, "The Impending Crisis".