mR > bOLOS (pERIODS 2ac & 5)

How to do the homework on VoiceThread

Join our 6th period VoiceThread group (you only need to do this once for the entire year)

  • Then RETURN to this page and click HERE(You should see a mural painting)
    • --

      NOW, consider the following requirements:

      1. Choose 2-3 slides, minimum
      2. Leave thoughtful and thorough comments (annotations) as text, audio, or video (w/ partner, only)
      3. The strongest comments are tied directly to the textbook (cited with page #), but you may also respond to another student's comments, and/or provide an original analysis for images or documents not always covered in class. Other comments can and should provide narration, but won't be assessed as highly as textbook-based or original analysis kinds of comments.
      4. Ask yourself: "How can I corroborate, contradict, analyze what is in the frame, or provide empathetic narration on this particular slide?"

      Artifact Chart

      Please follow the procedure outlined below and in class. Be mindful of the work of your peers, as anyone may edit this document (click below).