mR > bOLOS (pERIODS 2ac & 5)

Fred Schmidt, McGee Theatre

Here's a little more info regarding tomorrow's speaker, Fred Schmidt, New Trier grad and Olympic Gold Medal winner (1964). Schmidt is a "former Navy Seal who opened the Apollo 15 space capsule, and is currently living in Guatemala doing community development work. Interestingly, he went to law school and then quit being a lawyer to join the Navy."

Please make sure you go directly to McGee, and check in with the sub for attendance purposes.

Douglass' Three Editions

Because somebody from class requested are the three versions of Douglass' fight scene. Keep in mind that the first edition (1845) is identical to what you already have in your book. Click on Douglass (below) for access.

IF you decide to use these sources (which is not a requirement), you must cite as follows:

  • Douglass' original 1845 Narrative: use a page number, as usual. For example, "---------" (34).
  • 1855 Edition: cite as "---------" (My Bondage 34)
  • 1892 Edition: cite as "---------" (Life and Times 34)

I wish I could re-write my own life story multiple times. Oh wait...