mR > bOLOS (pERIODS 2ac & 5)

"Democracy is not a state[; i]t is an act"

Some highlights from bUSH7:

  • 10:10:32   From  Federico to Spiro Bolos(Privately) : he meant that democracy, and the ability for citizens to create change, isn’t a state in that it doesn’t just happen. people need to act on their rights and create change
  • 10:10:58   From  Lily to Spiro Bolos(Privately) : I believe that John Lewis means the democracy is not a form of government, but rather a thing or belief that people practice
  • 10:11:32   From  Beth to Spiro Bolos(Privately) : Democracy is a form of government, but the people have the freedom to choose their representatives and act to change the country.
  • 10:13:47   From  Mira to Spiro Bolos(Privately) : Democracy is something people choose to do, it isn’t just a form of government.
  • 10:16:24   From  Harry to Spiro Bolos(Privately) : I think what he means is that just because we are in a democracy by living in this country, doesn’t mean that we are actually a part of it and that we have to take action to be a part of it. Basically saying that we have to be more active in our government and do things like vote.
  • 10:17:32   From  Casey to Spiro Bolos(Privately) : I believe that when John Lewis says “democracy is not a state, it’s an act”, he is telling society that we can’t have a democracy without fighting for the soul of our nation. We have to build a peaceful community to create an equal, fair, reliable, and trustworthy democracy, but that only comes from acts within the nation first from the people.
  • 10:20:40   From  Rory to Spiro Bolos(Privately) : What John Lewis meant was that democracy is not just a form of government, but actions done by citizens such as voting, protesting, or anything else that gives us a voice in how our country should function.
  • and..
  • 10:43:12   From  Sydney to Spiro Bolos(Privately) : Casey’s WiFi we really down so she got kicked out :) :) :)