mR > bOLOS (pERIODS 2ac & 5)

Slavery Resources

Any/all of the following may be utilized (as long as they are cited) when you write your Douglass paper.

(examine primary source images here)

David Blight's FAN interview on January 25, 2019 and my notes (below):

Here is a link to a positive review of David Blight's biography of Frederick Douglass.

And Blight's commentary over a reading of the Narrative:

The Abolitionists

Note: this video series (DVD) is available in the NTHS Library or may be available to stream if you have Amazon Prime. Otherwise, please click here to view the film. Due on paper at the END of class. Need an electronic copy? Try this.

After viewing the PBS film, The Abolitionists (click to view), ask yourself how monolithic were the opponents of slavery (Stowe, Brown, Garrison, Grimke, etc.)? Which of their methods did you think was most effective?

Transcript is available below:

The Peculiar Institution

Please take detailed notes and ask questions in class, as this process will be critical in aiding you on your next summative assessment:

How to do the annotation assessment on Google Slides. Consider the following requirements:

  1. Choose 2-3 contiguous slides, more or less. Claim them before others do.
  2. Leave thoughtful and thorough annotations as comments which will be awarded with the following feedback (ST, OK, NW) based on your choices below:
    • → Short textbook quotes which are explained in relation to the slide content (up to ST)
    • → An original analysis of images or documents covered (or not covered) in class* (up to ST)
    • → Comments as pure narration (up to OK) which is the min. req't for ALL students
Ask yourself: "How can I corroborate, or contradict, or analyze what is in the frame, and also provide empathetic narration on these chosen slides?"
    Feel free to use the tools in Google Slides to draw or highlight specific areas of the slide (highly recommended).

    • Click here for bUSH5 or click there for bUSH6

    *this depends on the slides chosen