tag:bush.posthaven.com,2013:/posts bOLOS uNITED sTATES hISTORY 2024-06-06T15:42:46Z bOLOS uNITED sTATES hISTORY tag:bush.posthaven.com,2013:Post/1292981 2024-06-06T15:39:11Z 2024-06-06T15:42:46Z The American Paradox of Choice

Good luck next year with your coursework and the college selection process (if that's what you decide to do). Remember that the more choices you have, the more dissatisfied and paralyzed you will be, but that MAKING a choice is the most important way to end the agony. You WILL love what you choose, provided that you commit to that choice and don't look back.

    I thoroughly enjoyed being your instructor and most importantly, I treasure the relationships we created. Now please enjoy your summer!

    Mr > B

    Spiro Bolos
    tag:bush.posthaven.com,2013:Post/1839252 2024-06-03T01:39:03Z 2024-06-03T18:28:57Z The Final Four

    Please make sure you are taking notes on EACH presentation before transferring your comments to either the paper form or the electronic form below. Every student must turn in one piece of paper AND vote using the form linked below:

    The images above are adapted from George Packer’s most recent book, Last Best Hope: America in Crisis and Renewal. His essay version is called, "The Four Americas" and originally appeared in The Atlantic.

    Spiro Bolos
    tag:bush.posthaven.com,2013:Post/1415150 2024-05-29T13:34:44Z 2024-05-29T13:39:35Z America in our Time: The Consensus
    What are the consensus assumptions of your parents' generation ("GenX")? Try to frame this list in the most positive way possible. What ideas about America did your parents grow up believing were true, even if today they have begun to doubt some of those assumptions? Both you and they should practice empathy: even if your parents no longer support a particular assumption strongly, perhaps the majority of Americans (in power) still do? For example, what were your parents told regarding the practice of recycling?

    Click here for a editable small group worksheet.

    Featured Theme Song: "We Belong Together" by Vampire Weekend

    We go together like sound and sight
    Black and white, day and night
    We go together like left and right
    Oh, we go together
    We go together like give and take
    Pains and aches, real and fake
    We go together, don't be opaque
    It's clear we go together
    We belong together
    We belong together
    Baby, there's no use in being clever
    Baby, it don't mean we'll stay together
    We go together like pots and pans
    Surf and sand, bottles and cans
    We go together like lions and lambs
    Oh, we go together
    We go together like Keats and Yeats
    Bowls and plates, days and dates
    We stay united like these old states
    It's how we go together
    We belong together
    We belong together
    Baby, there's no use in being clever
    Baby, it don't mean we'll stay together
    Hallelujah, you're still mine
    All I did was waste your time
    If there is not some grand design
    How'd this pair of stars align?
    Source: Musixmatch

    Songwriters: Rostam Batmanglij / Ezra Koenig

    Spiro Bolos
    tag:bush.posthaven.com,2013:Post/1832849 2024-05-24T13:33:29Z 2024-05-24T13:37:27Z Submissions: 4th Quarter Project

    Please make sure you turn in your script (essay with citations) and bibliography on paper. Now click the appropriate link below to upload your video presentation:

    The images above are adapted from George Packer’s most recent book, Last Best Hope: America in Crisis and Renewal. His essay version is called, "The Four Americas" and originally appeared in The Atlantic.

    Spiro Bolos
    tag:bush.posthaven.com,2013:Post/1414146 2024-05-21T13:35:30Z 2024-05-21T13:52:38Z Annotated Rubric - Fourth Quarter Project

    Click here to see three student-created exemplars from a few years ago.

    MLA citation protocol (the basics):

    And don't believe what this student wrote ;)

    Spiro Bolos
    tag:bush.posthaven.com,2013:Post/1288491 2024-05-14T13:31:54Z 2024-05-14T13:32:02Z From Blitzkrieg to the Bomb

    What parallels do you notice between the current conflict in Ukraine and the start of WW II?

    Miss the film? Watch it by clicking here.

    Study guide:

    Today's film:

    Spiro Bolos
    tag:bush.posthaven.com,2013:Post/1277580 2024-05-10T02:59:01Z 2024-05-10T02:59:04Z Making the world safe for democracy?

    In your assigned group, please fill out the chart for your assigned historical figure, only. Your group must come to a consensus regarding the best source and the most illuminating quote. This should help you make choices when researching your own 4th Quarter Project. Please enter the relevant info using one of the links above.

    Spiro Bolos
    tag:bush.posthaven.com,2013:Post/2106875 2024-05-07T18:43:11Z 2024-05-07T18:43:15Z Temporary Post: feedback on WHY questions

    In order to see your feedback on your iPad beyond the color-coding, please follow the directions below:

    1. Click on the link below to access the spreadsheet of possible questions
    2. Make sure Google Sheets is in "light theme", not "dark mode"
    3. Select your question (or any other) cell
    4. Tap it once and then select, "NOTE" to see the written feedback


    If you still need to submit a successful 4QP proposal, click here.
    Spiro Bolos
    tag:bush.posthaven.com,2013:Post/1280127 2024-05-07T18:41:30Z 2024-05-07T18:41:32Z World War I and the Red Scare
    We will be taking notes (on paper) for the following slides. Beyond the historical content, think about the design choices. What could you learn from this presentation that might help you with your Fourth Quarter Project?

    Spiro Bolos
    tag:bush.posthaven.com,2013:Post/1820336 2024-05-01T17:20:29Z 2024-05-01T17:24:00Z "Creatures of Empire"

    Spiro Bolos
    tag:bush.posthaven.com,2013:Post/1969661 2024-05-01T16:30:07Z 2024-05-01T18:49:44Z Johnny Harris, "How The US Stole the Philippines"

    Here is a rather strong interpretation (below) of how the United States initially became a world power. Johnny Harris is a filmmaker, journalist and has a degree in international relations. This is a master class in presentation design, so think about how you could incorporate some of his explanatory techniques into your 4th Quarter Project. Feel free to visit Johnny Harris' YouTube page to see other work he has done and scroll down for his presentation design tips.


    Spiro Bolos
    tag:bush.posthaven.com,2013:Post/1826852 2024-05-01T16:29:27Z 2024-05-10T21:19:35Z The Importance of Sea Power

    Read carefully, distinguishing between the primary and secondary sources included in the following packet and answer the questions:

    Spiro Bolos
    tag:bush.posthaven.com,2013:Post/1406092 2024-05-01T16:28:36Z 2024-05-01T16:28:38Z Is the United States an Empire?

    What is the author's opinion on whether or not America is an empire? How does he demonstrate/communicate his viewpoint?

    How did the "United States" become "America"? This 33-minute podcast features historian Daniel Immerwahr:

    Spiro Bolos
    tag:bush.posthaven.com,2013:Post/1823812 2024-04-25T19:55:31Z 2024-04-25T19:55:37Z American Visions: the Wilderness and the West

    How do historical and artistic depictions of the American landscape connect to the idea of an American empire? Pay special attention to "manifest destiny" and the Turner Thesis.

    Miss the video? See it HERE.

    To help you better understand what the Turner Thesis is, the video below provides a novel approach at explanation:

    An Introduction to Frederick Jackson Turner's The Significance Of The Frontier In American History from Macat on Vimeo.

    And a more critical interpretation provided below from Prof. Naoko Shibusawa of Brown University:

    Spiro Bolos
    tag:bush.posthaven.com,2013:Post/1820320 2024-04-24T18:03:49Z 2024-04-24T18:03:53Z American Mythology: A See, Think, Wonder Activity
    Is the United States an empire? If so, what was the origin of this impulse of this desire to expand? Could it be the idea of "manifest destiny" coupled with Frederick Jackson Turner's "frontier thesis"?
    Spiro Bolos
    tag:bush.posthaven.com,2013:Post/1396579 2024-04-23T13:22:43Z 2024-04-30T13:30:43Z The Beginning of the End


    Here is a link to a journalistic example (using a very similar method).

    RECENT CONTEMPORARY ISSUE: In his State of the Union address...President Obama celebrated the fact 'that for the first time in 40 years, the crime rate and the incarceration rate have come down together.'"

    WHY QUESTION: Why does the USA incarcerate such a high percentage of its population, despite falling crime rates?


    1. Crime surged during an era of social upheaval (historical look-back)
    2. The federal government got more involved in local law enforcement.
    3. A War on Drugs was launched.
    4. Politicians changed sentencing laws.
    5. More?? Others? Consider the role of race.

    Need more help understanding proximate versus ultimate factors (causes)? Perhaps this will trigger your memory:

    Spiro Bolos
    tag:bush.posthaven.com,2013:Post/1690023 2024-04-17T19:06:40Z 2024-04-17T19:08:59Z Letter to Dr. Dolan

    Due TUESDAY! 

    If you're struggling with the 3rd requirement (conditions in Parchman Farm Penitentiary in Mississippi), you should watch this 18-minute clip from The PBS film, Freedom Riders. And/or read this article about Hezekiah Watkins, a 13-year old put on death row in that very same prison.

    2001 interview with John Luther Dolan:

    Spiro Bolos
    tag:bush.posthaven.com,2013:Post/1816066 2024-04-16T17:20:00Z 2024-04-19T13:31:51Z What were prison conditions like in Parchman Farm?

    The following sources may give you more insight:

    And/or watch an 18-minute excerpt from American Experience: Freedom Riders by clicking below:

    Spiro Bolos
    tag:bush.posthaven.com,2013:Post/1684530 2024-04-12T14:51:10Z 2024-04-12T14:51:15Z How have you disappointed your parents?

    This is an ANONYMOUS survey, so feel free to be as honest as possible, keeping in mind my role as a mandated reporter. This will make more sense once you have seen the assessment for John Dolan, the young Freedom Rider working with CORE.

    UPDATE: after reading so many of your heartfelt comments, I listened to this show about sleep deprivation, competition, grades, homework, and parental pressure. If you get a chance, it's worth a listen: 

    Spiro Bolos
    tag:bush.posthaven.com,2013:Post/1270744 2024-04-10T17:22:00Z 2024-04-12T15:51:22Z Freedom 'Riters Stations Activity

    DUE TUESDAY. If you need access to the primary source materials, please see below:

    Spiro Bolos
    tag:bush.posthaven.com,2013:Post/1263218 2024-04-09T14:27:50Z 2024-04-09T14:27:53Z The Civil Rights Movement

    Please leave your slide annotations (as comments) using the appropriate link below:

    Period 5 

    Period 6

    Why did it take approximately 100 years for basic civil rights to be granted to Black Americans? What were the proximate and ultimate factors contributing to the passing of Civil Rights legislation?

    Please read OpenStax by clicking here. The assessment (based on both the reading and the presentation below) will be formally assigned once the presentation is concluded. But early commenters can get feedback in class.

    NOW, consider the following requirements:

    1. Choose 2-3 adjacent slides, minimum.
    2. Leave thoughtful and thorough comments (annotations) as text, audio, or video (w/ partner, only)
    3. The strongest comments are tied directly to the textbook (cited), but you may also respond to another student's comments, and/or provide an original analysis for slides, images or documents not covered in class. Other comments can and should provide narration, but won't be assessed as highly as textbook-based or original analysis kinds of comments.
    4. Ask yourself: "How can I corroborate or contradict, analyze what is in the frame, or provide empathetic narration on this particular slide?"

    Note-taking guide below or make a copy HERE.

    Spiro Bolos
    tag:bush.posthaven.com,2013:Post/1398938 2024-04-03T17:48:16Z 2024-04-03T17:48:19Z Eyes on the Prize: "Ain't Scared of Your Jails"

    Think about the "bump back" mentioned in Ellison's Invisible Man. What were the proximate causes of the legislative changes the United States enacted in the the mid-1960s? As you watch the film, Eyes on the Prize: "Ain't Scared of Your Jails" (linked below), fill in the study guide with specific details from each technique used by activists:

    1. FILMclick here to watch (no need to download)

    Spiro Bolos
    tag:bush.posthaven.com,2013:Post/1677511 2024-03-19T15:13:36Z 2024-03-19T15:13:38Z Can you solve the mystery of the Gordon Parks photo?

    Given the stakes, why not give it a try? Start with this NPR article. Click the image below for the original challenge put out by the New York Times:

    And click here to read Maurice Berger's original article about the 70 "missing" photos from Gordon Parks' "Segregation Series".

    And finally, here is an excerpt from my conversation with Google's AI bot.

    Spiro Bolos
    tag:bush.posthaven.com,2013:Post/1676629 2024-03-19T15:07:49Z 2024-03-19T15:07:52Z Gordon Parks, Segregation Series

    Spiro Bolos
    tag:bush.posthaven.com,2013:Post/2096264 2024-03-15T04:00:01Z 2024-04-03T13:22:19Z Ultimate Causes of the Civil Rights Movement: AWAKENINGS

    In order to better understand the ultimate factors (long-term causes) leading to civil rights, please watch the first episode of the legendary documentary, Eyes on the Prize and fill out the guide below.

    Spiro Bolos
    tag:bush.posthaven.com,2013:Post/1957152 2024-03-13T13:50:10Z 2024-03-13T13:50:13Z "Agin'st the Law"??
    Your assignment: choose two actions in the song lyrics that are "agin'st the law" and explain how they are technically or actually illegal in the Jim Crow South. Some of these may constitute violating folkways, mores, or taboos (norms) rather than the breaking a written piece of legislation.

    Spiro Bolos
    tag:bush.posthaven.com,2013:Post/1804878 2024-03-12T13:43:50Z 2024-03-12T13:43:52Z Group Project Final Assessment

    Please wait until you have presented to respond. Click image below to submit:

    Spiro Bolos
    tag:bush.posthaven.com,2013:Post/1269410 2024-03-11T21:51:41Z 2024-03-11T21:51:43Z MLK answers, "What is it about the Negro...?"

    Consider his answer in light of your Reconstruction Rebooted plans...

    Spiro Bolos
    tag:bush.posthaven.com,2013:Post/1796141 2024-03-11T21:48:56Z 2024-03-18T18:37:54Z "Heirlooms and Accessories"

    Note: this is NOT homework.

    Kerry James Marshall: Heirlooms and Accessories from Smart Museum of Art on Vimeo.

    Spiro Bolos
    tag:bush.posthaven.com,2013:Post/1387994 2024-02-23T18:54:39Z 2024-03-01T14:33:15Z Reconstruction -- a podcast, a video, and possible primary (and secondary) sources

    Here's an interview with Eric Foner, who has a complicated view of the assessment of the Reconstruction era. The second half of the podcast has some key information and critiques of the Reconstruction Amendments (13, 14, 15) that should help you decide how to proceed in your plans. (If you click on the link above, you should also see a transcript which might be faster in finding what you need.)

    The History Channel has a great feature on the 15th Amendment and the subsequent Voting Rights Act of 1965.

    This PDF (below ) has a set of primary and secondary sources which can be used in your presentation:

    Data source: University of Virginia Geospatial and Statistical Data Center. United States Historical Census Data Browser.

    Finally, here is a relevant example on how two historians THOROUGHLY analyze a primary source (h/t to Kevin Levin). This well-designed presentation features a conversation between Dr. Kimberly Kutz Elliott and Dr. Beth Harris:

    Spiro Bolos